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Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility

11 August, 2022

What do you do when you can't take your horses to your wedding? Get dressed up again and take the photos after the honeymoon! Which is exactly what Victoria did, and I was lucky enough to capture her in her STUNNING dress at the beautiful Rural Sports Facility in Galston.

Honestly, with the amount of rain we have had this year, it was almost a miracle the grounds had dried up enough for this special photo session. And that's not to mention that Mother Nature also supplied us with a rare sunny afternoon.

Both of Victoria's horses Nikita and Bee were absolutely amazing, and, with the help of her new husband Jake, mum Louise, sister Anna and trainer Chris, we managed to get through the whole session without a single hoof print on that stunning dress.

Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility
Victoria's wedding photo session at Galston Rural Spots Facility

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