Pongo, is there a more fitting name for a male Dalmatian? I don't think so! Unfortunately for us, the weather wasn't to fitting for our photo session, but thank goodness the park we met at was so picturesque that we soon forgot about the cloud cover.
At the time of our photo session, Pongo was 6 months old and full of beans! To help keep him in the right spots, we positioned him on benches and ledges to create a natural barrier. Being so young, his attention span wasn't as long as an adult dog, lucky for me all I need is a few seconds and snap, photo taken!
And can I just say, how uttery adorable is his bowtie?!
Pongo's humans adopted a dog from the animal shelter soon after our session, and I am fortunate enough to see Pongo grow up in the company of his new rescue fur brother Jasper.
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Pongo's photo session
10 January, 2019
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