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Jalebi photo session

17 May, 2017

The first thing I read on Jalebi's Canines of Character enquiry form was, "Look, Jalebi really is more of a cat." It brought a little smile to my face, I hadn't photographed a cat-dog before!

Jalebi's owner, Aneeta, explained to me that as a puppy, Jalebi suffered an injury which left her out of action for about eight to ten months and she almost lost a leg. As a result, she's developed a really unique personality that is in line with a lot of humans who experienced trauma at a young age. She is indeed quite anxious but also steadfastly dedicated to her humans (and sometimes doesn't understand personal space). If nothing else, she is entirely unique. Jalebi also has an Instagram account found at jalebi_the_catdog.

We had to reschedule the session 3 times before the weather decided to be nice to us, and I am so glad we waited. The weather was perfect, not too hot with a beautiful warm sunset. As Jalebi is a little cautious to strangers, we began the session sitting on the back deck getting to know one another. She quickly got used to the camera and when the cheese treats came out she did just about anything!

Did you say cheese?

I will only remain on this chair if there is cheese involved.

One of Jalebi's favourite pastimes is sunning herself in the late afternoon sun.

Jalebi was such a good model, sitting and staying like a professional.

How adorable is the heart-shaped marking in Jalebi's ear?

If you would like your canines to be apart of our Canines of Character charity event or would like to read more information, click here.


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