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Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale

27 January, 2024

I received a message from Erin towards the end of last year asking if I was available between Christmas and New Year for a special photo session. Her wedding was earlier in the month and she wanted to re-create her ceremony as well as capture images with her ponies, dogs and special cart hand-made by her grandpa.

We met at a little church in Colo Vale and thankfully had the most perfect weather for our evening. December had been shocking for weather, hot one day then pouring with rain the next. Our evening was full of sunshine and smiles, and I felt so honoured to be there to capture it all.

With lovely music playing on a Bluetooth speaker, the little ceremony went ahead with me in the background snapping away. The little blue church was such a stunning background, and coupled with the setting sun made for some amazing photos.

We then moved to some family portraits, Erin with her husband Adam, Erin with her fur-family Piccolo the Unicorn and two dogs Poppy and Waffle, and lastly hooking Bullseye up to the red cart. It was stunning up close, and all the more special because her grandpa had made it.

And what's a wedding without cake! Erin brought a little wedding cake and shared it in the back of the cart with Adam, as well as sharing it with her family.

Here are just some of the images we captured, how stunning does everyone look!

Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale
Erin's wedding photo session in Colo Vale

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