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Angel's private photo session at home

10 November, 2021

After some seriously wet weather and session cancelations, I finally had the chance to meet sweet Angel and her owner Claire at their property in Dural. Angel is a beautiful 2 year old Kelpie cross, who can be nervous around strangers and in new environments, which is why we had our session in one of the paddocks next to her home. When it comes to nervous dogs, it is best to conduct photo sessions at locations they are familiar with. A stressed dog is not a happy dog, which shows in the photos.

When I first arrived to the property I calmly spoke to Claire and ignored Angel. I didn't want to be overbearing to her, I wanted her to get used to having me around and showing her the camera was nothing to be afraid of. I typically have my camera shutter on silent mode, as some dogs are very put off by the loud clicking sound. After some pats and treats, Angel and I were best friends and the photo session began!

As a photographer who comes across all different types of dogs, it is important for me to tailor my photo sessions to each and every dog. Some session start with cuddles and getting used to the camera gear, while others can go head first into action images. I'm here for all types of dogs.

Angel's private photo session at home

Sweet Angel has such intense eyes.
Angel's private photo session at home

Her little smile is too cute.
Angel's private photo session at home

"What is that weird sound you're making?"
Angel's private photo session at home

Angel eyeing off my treats.
Angel's private photo session at home

Those ears. <3
Angel's private photo session at home

The field where we took photos was such a beautiful backdrop.
Angel's private photo session at home

Action images where Angel's favourite!
Angel's private photo session at home

A driveway photography dreams are made of.
Angel's private photo session at home

I love taking photos of the finer details. The spots on Angel's ears were too cute.
Angel's private photo session at home

Her eyes are just like little caramels.

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